Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Southside Irish Parade

Last weekend I went with family and boyfriend to the South Side Irish Parade. I had never witnessed this spectacle before, so I thought I'd report back my findings:

Green Dogs: 2
Kids sleeping in wagons: 4
Men in Superman Costumes: 1
St. Patricks: 1
Irish Dance Schools: 4+
Drunk People: 1000s
Non-Irish People: 1000s
Irish Sweaters: 108
Candy caught by myself or sister: 0
Hugs given to Tony the Tiger by sister: 1
Amount of money owed to sister for aforementioned hug: $5
Bagpipe bands: lots
Men in Kilts: lots
Women in Kilts: some
Trekkies in parade: 1
Giant wrenches held by pipefitters union members: 2
Number of different potato dishes in Irish lunch buffet: 4
Giant walking glasses of Guiness: 1
Migrating Sandhill cranes spotted: 100s
Number of people crossing street in middle of parade when technically not allowed to: 5
Number of people not wearing green: 4
Green beers spotted: 5
Buckets of beer spotted: 10
Boys I kissed: 1
Boys I held hands with: 1
German boys I was in love with: 1
Irish boys I was in love with: 0

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